尼日寺的神奇彩虹和感人的老喇嘛 / Amazing rainbows and Old Lama at Niri Monastery


尼日寺 / Niri Monastery




Niri Monastery is situated between Kangding and Tagong, at a valley surrounded by mountains like lotus petals with a river embracing the land. Compared to Tagong, the climate here is mild and the land is fertile. Yet there are only a few households in this beautiful place.

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The old monastery was very much ruined after the cultural revolution with an ailing main hall and Padmasambhava shrine left.

For many years, only one old lama stayed here and guarded the monastery.

The neighboring areas were gradually taken by gold miners and they also sought for the monastery land for mining. Yet the old lama firmly declined and got beaten in the strife. Later on, he got some compensation for the injury and used all the money to renovate the main shrine hall (the 2-roofed building).

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The old lama is more than 80 years now and was quite worried about the future of the monastery. Therefore, he asked a rinpoche from the neighboring Tagong Monastery to take over Niri, to ensure the conservation of this place.

I visited the place because a friend was entrusted to help build a stupa here as it’s said that a stupa in this place would be very beneficial for peace and balance of the environment.


第一道神奇的彩虹 / The 1st amazing rainbow






It was about noon time when we arrived at Niri Monastery. A tent was prepared for us to have tea and lunch.

It was a sunny day with baby blue sky and puffy white clouds.

Right after we were all seated inside the tent, a boy noticed this amazing rainbow appearing, circulating the sun!

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Before seeing this, I had some doubts whether such shape of a rainbow really exits. Even though I saw it at Chogye Trichen Rinpoche’s cremation, but that was on DVD and there is always doubt like whether it is some sort of reflection caused by the camera lenses etc. But now, all the doubts were gone. There is indeed rainbow circulating the sun!

When my friend said that Dakini already asked the main mountain deity here to take care of us, I was really suspicious. First of all, the dakini wasn’t even in China with us. Secondly, I’ve been to all these mountains in Tibetan areas, yet never see a trace of any mountain deity. But now, somehow I wonder whether there is really such a mountain deity welcoming us with this special spectacle.

第二道神奇的彩虹 / The 2nd rainbow






It was in the afternoon when we went back to Niri Monastery on the next day.

It was a cloudy day. Thick and dark clouds covered the whole sky.

We saw the old lama for the first time. He was very kind, living in a tiny humble room. Though over 80 years now, he didn’t require any help until last year when he was hit by some illness.  

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Then we burned some incense and mantra cakras to the local protectors and deities to pray for the success of rebuilding the monastery and stupa construction – some masters indicated that building a stupa in this place is particularly beneficial for peace and the balance of the environment.

Right after we started burning the stuff, a hole emerged amongst the clouds and the sun shone beautifully right from that hole. Then it started drizzling. When we finished all the burning (just a matter of a few minutes), a rainbow appeared, connecting the fireplace and the residence of the old lama. The timing was really amazing! 

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老喇嘛説,他的心願已了 / Old lama’s wish fulfilled






The last time we saw the old lama was on the morning when we left Tagong.

Guru Rinpoche’s statue arrived from Chengdu, so we went to the monastery to see the statue.

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Old Lama came to see the statue. He sat in front of the statue for a while and said something to Sangye Yingden Rinpoche.

We couldn’t understand a word, but quite a few of us shed tears somehow. Later on, Rinpoche told us that Old Lama said he was really happy to see the Padmasambhava statue, that he felt his wish fulfilled and that he felt the future of the monastery would be taken care of.

After we left, it’s said that Old Lama made instructions and arrangement of everything that needs to be done after he passes away, including giving away each of his religious texts.

Then two days ago, he passed away. Exactly 7 days after we bid farewell to him. 

關於 bella.chao
a simple wandering being on less beaten tracks in samsara

One Response to 尼日寺的神奇彩虹和感人的老喇嘛 / Amazing rainbows and Old Lama at Niri Monastery

  1. chih-chun says:

    真的很殊勝!同時也是修學佛法弟子很好的榜樣。上次在Zhong, Mustang 祿頂堪仁波切也曾跟我提到在Zhong Gonpa有位老喇嘛辛苦照料寺廟及一些年幼的沙彌多年,仁波切說那位Zhong的老喇嘛是一位很好的修行者及一位真正的出家人。謝謝分享!
