D2:乔家大院+平遥古城+双林寺 / Qiao Family’s Compound & Ping-yao

昨天我在天龙山上小晒了一会儿,晚上发现脖子都红了,略有微词。山西的龙族很友善。今天一大早就聽說會下暴雨。逰喬家大院時下了點小雨,然後就一路是陰爽凉快的天氣,凉到加件t-shirt還不夠,爲五臺山準備的fleece jacket 提前派上用場。

喬家大院 / Qiao Family’s Compound

100818 Qiao Jia Da Yuan 021 100818 Qiao Jia Da Yuan 003


Qiao Family was a wealthy family operating the most well-run bank a couple of years ago. Their remittance system was so effective that even the Qing Dynasty’s  government money was handled by them. And their profitability lured Empress Dowager to request to join the business or establish a JV or something.

It first got famous because of a movie shooting here. The movie crew left the red lanterns used in the film here so lanterns are held all year round here despite traditionally they are only for special occassions.

平遙古城 / Pingyao City


100818 Ping-yao 001100818 Ping-yao 007100818 Ping-yao 022
100818 Ping-yao 037100818 Ping-yao 009100818 Ping-yao 015

An ancient small city with likely the best preserved city wall in China. There are numerous sight-seeing sites in this old town: city wall, major’s office/residence, banks, armed escort museum etc.

100818 Ping-yao 043100818 Ping-yao 028


100818 Ping-yao 030100818 Ping-yao 032

還好有脫團留下來。旅社頗有風味,四合院改建,屋內是炕(只是做做樣子),也就百來元一晚,比太原的漢庭還便宜。The guesthouse I am staying in 🙂100818 Ping-yao 058100818 Ping-yao 048


雙林寺 / Shuang Lin Temple

100818 Shung Lin Temple 025100818 Shung Lin Temple 026




This is 6km away from the old city. It is a must see and a real highlight of treasures here. They housed amazingly well-preserved clay statues, surviving from the Japanese invasion and the cultural revolution. Those statues were mostly made in Ming Dynasty, with a set of 18 arhats from Song Dynasty The quality of the scupturing reflects the economic affluence of local people. Even the colors remain vivid for most of them.

元朝的四大天王 / Four kings statues from Yuan Dynasty
100818 Shung Lin Temple 002
100818 Shung Lin Temple 030100818 Shung Lin Temple 029100818 Shung Lin Temple 004100818 Shung Lin Temple 028 

釋迦牟尼和罕見的非大肚佛形象而是近古印度形象的天冠彌勒(明)/ Sakyamuni, Maitreya (Ming Dynasty)
100818 Shung Lin Temple 017100818 Shung Lin Temple 022

彌勒兩旁的是梵天和帝釋天,看到師爺樣子的帝釋天,只能説本土化的徹底 / Brahma and Indra surrounding the Maitreya with amusing Chinese appearance.
100818 Shung Lin Temple 023100818 Shung Lin Temple 027

普賢、觀音、文殊 /Samanthabhadra, Avalokiteshvara and Manjushri
100818 Shung Lin Temple 018100818 Shung Lin Temple 012100818 Shung Lin Temple 019


關於 bella.chao
a simple wandering being on less beaten tracks in samsara

2 Responses to D2:乔家大院+平遥古城+双林寺 / Qiao Family’s Compound & Ping-yao

  1. Shelley says:

    还是去双林了嘛~ 当时看到也是很震撼的,心里还想着这么偏远的地方,这些家伙,怎么搞出这等东西,还保留这么好~ 中国不是没有好东西,文革一役,足见当地人民水准。

  2. Bella says:


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