2012年薩迦中心普巴金剛大法會 Vajrakilaya Drubcho at Sakya Center

沙壇城 Sand Mandala


H.H. only came back to Dehra Dun on Aug 25th and on 27th 3am already he started the annual Kilaya puja.

3am is way too early for me so I arrived at 3pm when the puja finished already…. Fortunately I still got to see the sand mandala construction and Ratna Vajra Rinpoche came to do the consecration.

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Since those who have not received kilaya initiation are not allowed to see the mandala, so the lamas covered the constructed mandala. (Hence I won’t show any pictures of the full mandala here…)120827 Sakya Kilaya Puja Day 1 057

早晨 Morning


Every morning, as long as it was not raining, HH Sakya Trizin and Dunse Rinpoches would walk from the Podrang to the monastery. Except for 3am on the 1st day and 5am on the completion day, the puja usually started on 6am.

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Then HH and Dungse Rinpoches would made prostrations to the mandala before the monks can come inside. Four Dungse Rinpoches were here this year: Ratna Vajra Rinpoche as the Vajra Master (Dorje Lopon), Gyana Vajra Rinpoche, Avikrita Vajra Rinpoche (taking leave from Dzongsar Institute) and Abhaya Vajra Rinpoche.
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加持普巴杵 Blessings

120904 Kilaya  32很多喇嘛會拿自己的普巴杵來法會加持,所以到了每天大寶金剛仁波切加持普巴的時候,他桌上就會多出一供碗的普巴,法座旁邊還有一大木箱的普巴……

Many lamas/disciples would bring their kilaya for blessings during the puja. So whenever it was time for Rinpoche to bless the kilaya, there would be a bowl full of kilayas on his desk and another huge box of kilayas by his throne.


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Ratna Vajra Rinpoche would consult HH for the rituals from time to time. 120906 Kilaya  202

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每次休息喝茶、享用薈供前,或是修法期間要戴上法帽之前,法王、法王子、所有僧眾都會互相低頭合十,示意對方請用茶或是請戴上帽子 🙂

They have this cute gesture to ask others to have tea/tsog food or to put on their hats first. HH, Rinpoches and every monk would do this altogether as if they are all peer colleagues.

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獻曼達 Mandala Offering

8/29 是吉祥日,佛母也在獻身口意曼達的行列中。法王看見佛母時,非常開心。
August 29 was an auspicious day. Gyalyum Chenmo also came to offer mandala. H.H. looked really happy seeing her 🙂 They looked so sweet together!


There were three auspicious day during the puja. On these days, additional practice such as Guru Yoga would be added. Hence the puja would sometimes last until 19:30 instead of the usual 17:30.

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Chiwang Tulku Rinpoche came to offer mandala to HH and made offering to all monks. 120904 Kilaya  46

Khentrul Rinpoche also came from Dharamsala to make offerings.
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戶外修法 Outdoor

Everyday part of the puja was done outdoor with many lay followers waiting outside since early morning.
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繞壇城 Circumambulation

Everyday HH, Rinpoches and monks would circumambulate the mandala together.
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A few monks were carrying Rinpoches’hats while circumambulating. Looks like a special parade.

民眾前來頂禮壇城 Non-stop Visitors


Everyday during the puja there would be many visitors coming to get blessings from HH and to pay respect to the mandala.
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他們只要去法王子那邊,法王子們也會一一加持一下。 除了有時候大寶金剛仁波切主法需要比較專注,這時就會有位體貼的喇嘛站在通往仁波切法座的柱子旁,委婉地堵住民眾前去打擾寶金剛。

中午又一一加持 Individual Blessing Again at Noon Time


And a huge crowd of people would come during lunch break to get blessings from the tireless HH. He must be quite tired after the 5-6 hour morning puja, yet he would bless every single person coming to him.
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A mountain of khatas after people left
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大寶法王來訪 Karmapa’s Visit



HH Karmapa came to Sakya Center to meet HH Sakya Trizin on Aug 31.

詳見/More info: https://bellachao.wordpress.com/2012/09/02/karmapa-to-sakya-center/

Jigmen Khyentse Rinpoche and Pema Wangyal Rinpoche


So happy to see Jigme Khyentse Rinpoche again and finally met Pema Wangyal Rinpoche 🙂

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堪布和祖古們 Khenpo and tulkus

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120905 Kilaya  003_01緊張的維那師 Umdze




Everyday we had a different chant leades(umdze). Actually it was their exam.

So these 10 monks were likely the most nervous ones in the puja. Taking exam in from of HH…

Except for the completion day. The chant leader on the last day was not a student but a real chant leader.

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The cute little monks blowing conches with certain moves like a wave
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薈供 Tsog


There was tsog offering everyday and a grand one on the completion day. Each Rinpoche had 3 big piles of offerings on their desk!
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民眾與市集 The Crowd and The Market


Since so many people came, some sort of market emerged in front of the monastery gate.

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On the completion day, the puja was performed in several additional sites e.g., the rooftop.

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搗毀沙壇城 Dismantling the Sand Mandala


It was such a moment to see HH and Rinpoches all worked side by side for this final ritual.
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Gyalyum Chenmo, Dagmo Kushok, Jetsunma and Akasha Rinpoche all came on the completion day. Jetsunma watching Ratna Vajra Rinpoche dismantling the sand mandala very attentively.

最後是快樂地撒花~ And the puja ended with a lot of petals
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民眾大加持 Final Blessings


聽說以前沒有發明這個方法時,大家推擠得一塌糊塗,每年都還有人衝上來“頂禮”普巴杵,頂到頭破血流。後來小法王子和喇嘛們就研究出這個方法~今年階梯還改成左右兩邊,所以大家可以循序一邊上一邊下,大概是最有秩序的一年了 🙂

Then all kilayas from the puja were placed on a big table so that people can come in line to venerate/get blessings. The monastery also prepared 7000 bags of tsog food for these visitors
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三次彩虹 Three Rainbows

120903 kilaya rainbow法會期間,我們看到三次彩虹。


During the puja, we saw rainbows three times.

The fist one was a flat rainbow lying on thick clouds and appearing on Sep 3rd.

Then the day before the completion day, there were two rainbows arching over the Podrang (HH’s residence) and Sakya Hospital, and falling on the Sakya Nunnery towards the right.

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and this is the rainbow on the completion day (Photo by Wang Li)
120906 Kilaya rainbow

其他法會相片,可參見:/ More photos at:

拉吉普的地毯 Rajpur Tibetan Women Center for Handicraft/Carpet


Not far away from Sakya Center along the Rajpur Road is this Tibetan Women Center. It is a mini Tibetan settlement with only a few households, two small temples for the residents and a carpet weaving workshop.
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I bought a small carpet a couple of years ago and found the quality excellent. So I was thinking of getting a proper one and bring it back home. (The previous one is now with a friend in India.) The smaller ones can be purchased at the showroom while larger ones need to be ordered.

展廳 / their showroom
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People are busy cleaning the place as HH Dalai Lama is coming in a few days. And then the workers will be away for winter so my order is in the queue for next year’s production and hopefully I can get it by mid of 2013!


Raw materials warehouse with wool from Varanasi area
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The weaving workshop. The big carpet in the left picture was ordered by an European and has 5 people working together for it!
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These are the finished products in the office, mostly tailor made stuff. The smaller ones are for car seats.
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I ordered this pattern in 4×6 feet – their standard one is 3×5 for bed.
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View from the rooftop of the workshop. You can see the Drikung Kagyu retreat center on the hill.
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I have been thinking of offering flowers these 2 days. On my way home, saw a tree full of these cute little white flowers when walking along the Rajpur Road and invited a few of them to join me making offerings to the Buddha 🙂
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煮茄子的新方法 New Way to Cook Eggplant

120911 India Eggplant dish 001以前煮茄子總是覺得沒有理想的方式。





This is a new way I learned at the Sakya Center’s grocery shop. (They also sell wonderful paranthas, aloo and rice, YY…)

Today when I was there, the shop owner’s son was having 2 eggplants roasted directly over the fire. The eggplants was not cut at all. He just picked from the stems. Looked really funny.



When I saw the wrinkled eggplant skin, I though it might be really dry inside, but surprisingly it was tender and juicy. This is definitely much better than pan-fried, as a lot of oil would be needed otherwise.


Then it is very standard Indian way of cooking. Stir fry chopped onion and tomato, add garlic and masala seasoning, and lastly add the chopped eggplant (excl. skin) and cooked for 1-2 minutes.

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Great dipping for chapati bread. I especially like it with not-over-cooked onion slices 🙂

薩迦中心頒獎和忿怒蓮師法會 Sakya Center and Guru Drakpo Puja


This morning all monks and nuns at Sakya Center and Sakya Nunnery gathered together. It is said that they always offer mandala to H.H. Sakya Trizin after completing the summer retreat. Then H.H. would give awards to those with good exam results. In the afternoon, H.H. led the monks doing a Guru Drakpo puja.
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第一次看到法王獻曼達耶~ / First time seeing H.H. offering mandala 🙂
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堪布向法王獻曼達 / Khenpo offering mandala to H.H. Sakya Trizin
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然後法王給學僧頒獎,大大小小的僧尼~ / H.H. giving awards to various monks and nuns at all ages
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Then the afternoon Guru Drakpo puja was presided by H.H. Sakya Trizin. H.E. Ratna Vajra Rinpoche was also there. Although I was very distracted today, still felt much blessing showering down.
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The afternoon highlight was that both Akasha Rinpoche and Jetsunma joined the puja. Akasha Rinpoche is only 2.5 years old, yet they surely know what to do during the ritual! Super cute on the throne together 🙂 120910 GuruDrak  63b120910 GuruDrak  77120910 GuruDrak  79120910 GuruDrak  56

Karmapa To Sakya Center During the 2012 Kilaya Puja 普巴金剛法會期間,大寶法王到訪薩迦中心

Yesterday was the 6th day of the annual Vajrakilaya puja at Sakya Center. H.H. Karmapa came to Sakya Center to visit H.H. Sakya Trizin (Previously Karmapa had received the kilaya initiation from Sakya Trizin). He is in Dehra Dun area for a few days and stays in the Sakya Nunnery.

昨天是薩迦年度普巴法會的第六日,大寶法王來薩迦中心拜見薩迦法王(噶瑪巴之前曾經從薩迦法王處接過普巴灌頂)。 大寶法王這幾日在德拉敦附近的一個藏民村傳法,居住在薩迦尼師院裡。

Karmapa arrived after the morning puja completed. H.H. Sakya Trizin had gone upstairs for the lunch break. H.E. Dungse Rinpoches and Gyalyum Chenmo went receiving Karmapa.


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Karmapa first came to the main shrine hall.
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making prostrations to the shrine / 跟壇城三頂禮……

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offering khata / 獻哈達……

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some chanting I can’t remember… but I had been eyeing for that welcoming rice for the rest of the day(Gyana Vajra Rinpoche did not come to the puja in the afternoon so that rice had been there on his table for the whole afternoon. And I finally got some by begging the lama cleaning the shrine room after the puja completed in the evening)

Two Dunse Rinpoches offered mandala to Karmapa
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H.E. Sakya Dungse Ratna Vajra Rinpoche offering mandala to H.H. Karmapa

Two younger generation bodhisattvas together…_/\_

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H.E. Sakya Dungse Gyana Vajra Rinpoche offering mandala to H.H. Karmapa

Karmapa was sitting on Gyana Vajra Rinpoche’s throne during the Kilaya Puja these days. Before he left, he found something interesting at the table and checked on that thing for a short while.
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And then Karmapa went up see H.H. Sakya Trizin and they had lunch together. (Sorry, no pictures of them together…) while Gyalyum Chenmo had lunch with Karmapa’s sister.


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After lunch, three Sakya Dungse Rinpoches and H.E. Gyalyum Chenmo saw H.H. Karmapa off and then we started the afternoon Kilaya puja again.

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Sakya Dungse Gyana Vajra Rinpoche and Karmapa

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Sakya Dungse Abhaya Vajra Rinpoche and Karmapa

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Sakya Gyalyum Chenmo and Karmapa

So happy to see Karmapa here. Last year in Washington he suddenly showed up. This year, again, out of the blue he came to Sakya Center. Much much blessings showered down.



Add a picture of the two H.H., posted by Lama Tsewang Rinzin

Photo by Lama Kunsang Gyaltso

普巴金剛法會/More on the kilaya puja:bellachao.wordpress.com/2012/09/14/vajrakilaya/

Tso Pema 蓮師聖湖:措貝瑪

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This was a one day trip to this holy lake associated with Padmasambhava. Thanks to a friend so that I got to effortlessly cover all the major sites in a rather leisure way.

蓮師洞 Guru Rinpoche Cave

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Debora recommended me to stay somewhere around here if I come for more than a day. Indeed a very serene place. It would be wonderful to do a retreat here.

There is a small lake nearby (not Tso Pema), also looked quite “holy”.

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There are two hospitable and kind dogs. While I was still hesitating which way to go, a white dog came as if he was guiding me to go down into the main cave.

While we were doing our practices inside, it also lovingly accompanied us there for almost the whole session until more people came inside.

120814 Tso Pema 011旁邊還有一個小洞,是曼達拉娃佛母和蓮師一起修的地方?記不太得了。

Linked to the main cave is another smaller cave.  Too bad that I can’t remember the history behind.

Then out of the cave, we did a Kora around the cave. The two dogs came to lead us again!

To the other side of the hill, there is another cave where it housed a footprint of Guru Rinpoche.


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There are many retreat huts/caves around.  We saw some monk/nun carrying barley flours up to the mountain, probably back to their retreat place.

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A baby mouse, only the size of half of my thumb. So young that it did not seem to know how to eat solid food yet.

措貝瑪 Tso Pema
120814 Tso Pema 030
120814 Tso Pema 032120814 Tso Pema 038120814 Tso Pema 039就是原本曼達拉娃公主的父王要燒死蓮花生大士的那個湖,不過反而因為蓮師在此顯現種種神跡而收服了這個小王國信仰佛法。


The lake where Padmasambhava performed miracles and tamed the king/people of Princess Mandarava’s kingdom.

There are so many fishes in the lake. Seeing them seeking endlessly for food is such a sadening thing.  They are among the most fortunate fishes in the world – plenty of food available in a safe environment. Yet they can not do something meaningful such as helping each other or doing some practice. All they know is looking for more food…  very rarely can I think of the downfalls of taking  rebirth in the animal realm and this is one of the few rare moments.

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Quite amazingly ran into Semzang here. She told us about the Driburi pilgrimage back in Spiti and we did not see each other for all these days (she does not have a mobile). Just during this short time by the lake to feed the fishes, she happened to come to feed the ducks on her last day in Tso Pema. Speaking of karmic connections, this must be one of them.

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There are a giant Guru Rinpoche statue and many monasteries by the lake, including a big Sikh temple (Sikhs also consider Padmasambhava to be a saint of theirs).

自生度母像 Self-arising Tara Image


This is by a bodhi tree near Ontrul Rinpoche’s monastery.

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曼達拉娃洞 Mandarava Cave

曼達拉娃修行的岩洞。這裡的尼師會講很多很多的故事,岩壁上有手印、寶冠印……她説這是曼達拉娃和蓮師初見的地方,慕斯唐的Lo-gekar則是第一次蓮師、曼達拉娃、耶喜措嘉會面的地方。聽到Lo Gekar就很高興,聽到耶喜措嘉去過慕斯唐就更高興了。話說回來,作為第一位伏藏師取藏的地方,耶喜措嘉曾經去過那裡,也就一點也不奇怪了。
120814 Tso Pema 048
120814 Tso Pema 049這幾個指印很清楚,像是有人把岩石當麵團捏了一把的樣子。

If you can speak Tibetan, the nun looking after this place can tell you all sort of things, from the history of the cave to the various prints on the rock – hand prints, imprints of ritual crowns…

This hand print is the most visible one. You can place your hand over it, as if you could take a grip of the rock as a dough.

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I was car sick all the way to Tso Pema, and again car sick all the way back to Bir.  This amazing scene showed up during the few seconds I happened to sit up on the way back. A beautiful end to a day full of blessings.

My Lotus at Mahabodhi :-)


一些小事就让我高兴很久~~  谢谢好朋友!!

I asked a friend to help offer some lotus in Bodhgaya earlier this month. That day, he told me it is not the lotus season so some other kind of flowers were offered instead. Yet the very next day he came across this beautiful purple lotus and offered that to Shakyamuni for me. Thank you, my dear friend!!

H.E. Luding Khenchen Rinpoche, Luuding Khen Rinpoche and Kangsar Shabdrung Rinpoche leading the 16 Arhat Puja under THE bodhi tree.  Bodhgaya, March 2012

Sikkim Pilgrimage 2011 錫金朝聖

Since most people needed to catch their flights, we only did a two-day trip out of Gangtok after the teachings. Hope I will get a chance to stay longer next time.

Temi Tea Garden 茶園
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After leaving Gangtok, we had breakfast and tea at Temi, the only tea garden in Sikkim and considered one of the best in India and in the world.

111101 Sikkim 022

I asked lama to buy me this snack after seeing an Indian chewing it in a tiny grocery shop. I suspected the Indian took something similar to betelnut wrapped in a leave, but the lama got me something sweet.  Ani-la forbid me eating it out of concern for my health so I only sample- tasted some of the ingredients. Like the rose flavor jelly sweets 🙂



Giant Guru Rinpoche Statue at Namchi 36公尺高的巨大蓮師像
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Ravanla Monastery and Buddha Park / 惹旺拉寺與佛陀公園
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Ravanla is building a Buddha Park 小鎮正在建設一個佛陀公園,以後可供人遊憩。
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Tashiding 扎西頂
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It is said that the whole Sikkim is a holy place and Tashiding is the most sacred place among Sikkim. Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro was cremated at Tashiding and the golden one is his stupa. Even thinking of soon to see this stupa made my way up so joyful.


There is also one ‘Thong-Wa-rang-Dol’, ‘Liberation by mere seeing’ stupa here.
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This old man, Garpa, came from my beloved Kyegu since his twenties and spent the past fifty years carving mani stones in this holy place. His works include various mantras and Buddha images. He kindly showed us around to see various sacred sites/imprints of Guru Rinpoche and dakinis. He is over seventy years old now but can still walk really fast.

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Guru Rinpoche Long Life Cave at Tashiding 蓮師長壽岩穴
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It was completely dark and rainy when we walked down the hill toward this cave. I was nagging silently that if not for waiting for Ratna Vajra Rinpoche for lunch, we could have arrived while there were still sunlight (some other people were nagging out loud…). When it was my turn to squeeze inside the cave (the passage is so narrow that only one person is allowed to try each time), I heard my jean ripped while passing through the sharp edge of rocks. The ripping was right on my butt that if I can tear off the bottom parts, they would become perfect hot pants for the beach. Now I was really happy that it was so dark that nobody can see this small disaster.




Pemayangtse Monastery 貝瑪楊澤寺
This is one of the oldest monasteries in Sikkim. 錫金最老的寺院。
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A Holy Lake 聖湖  — Khecheopalri Lake?
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This was the first capital of Sikkim, where the first Chogyal of the Kingdom of Sikkim was consecrated in the 1641 AD by three learned lamas.
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One Sikkim School 路過的錫金小學
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Another Holy Lake 又一神湖
111101 Sikkim 357111101 Sikkim 360

Guru Rinpoche Cave 蓮師洞
There are four Padmasambhava caves in Sikkim. This one, Khado Sangphug, is the only one accessible by car. Secret Cave of Dakinis, simply love the name! There is also hot spring right outside by the river.
111101 Sikkim 424111101 Sikkim 379111101 Sikkim 384
111101 Sikkim 387111101 Sikkim 420111101 Sikkim 415


Gangtok 甘托克

View of Gangtok city from cable car
111116 Gangtok 003111116 Gangtok 006

Sikkim Legislative Assembly where H.H. Sakya Trizin gave a public teaching on “Basic Understanding of Buddhism” in October
111116 Gangtok 013111018 HH Sakya Trizin Talk in Gangtok 004

Tsuklakhang Royal Chapel and Monastery, where Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro and Khandro Tsering Chodron used to live
111030 Gangtok 112111030 Gangtok 108111030 Gangtok 110

Namgyal Institute of Tibetology housing a rich depository of Tibetan literature, rare manuscripts, paintings, thangkas, statues and religious objects and other works of art and history
111116 Gangtok 002

Chorten Monastery where Dodrupchen Rinpoche resides with many many cats
111114 Gangtok 033111116 Gangtok 001111114 Gangtok 010111114 Gangtok 018111114 Gangtok 026111114 Gangtok 034


This cat is not from Chorten Gonpa but belongs to a friend. It treats me like a member of the family, or more precisely, a cushion of the house.
111114 Cat at Jiga's 004111114 Gangtok 006111031 Rovangla 001b

Also learned how to make Tibetan barley wine, chiang 🙂
111116 Chang brewing 002111116 Chang brewing 012

Sikkim definitely offers the best Tibetan food, especially their family cuisine, simply delicious! The famous fireball chilies look deceivingly cute and I did not dare to try until reaching Manduwala.
111115 Dinner 002111101 Sikkim 427

2011/10/30 大寶金剛仁波切錫金三忿怒尊灌頂 Ratna Vajra Rinpoche Bestowing Empowerment of Three Wrathful Deities in Sikkim

111030 Gangtok 125





After H.H. Sakya Trizin completed the teachings at noon time, H.E. Dungse Ratna Vajra Rinpoche bestowed a combined empowerment of Three Wrathful Deities to the public in the afternoon.

The monks and volunteers started building some fences a couple of days ago. I asked why. They said, unlike Chinese people who love wealth deity empowerment, for Tibetans, the most attractive one is Tse-wang (Amitayus) and the 2nd one is this Three Wrathful Deities for dispelling obstacles.  Therefore, some measures must be taken to ensure safety for the numerous participants and Rinpoche.

111030 Gangtok 139111030 Gangtok 129111030 Gangtok 138



Indeed, for such a small place, over tens of thousands people started rushing in since the morning while we were still having teachings. Even the dog cannot find a place to lay its feet and exhaustedly rested within the area reserved for monks when the event started.

Ratna Vajra Rinpoche was very kind. He gave blessings to the public one by one, starting from Dungse Asanga Vajra Rinpoche.
111030 Gangtok 172111030 Gangtok 173

And a rainbow appeared right at this moment.
111030 Gangtok 192111030 Gangtok 191
Lama Kunga Yongten Hotchotsang, the organizer of H.H.’s programs in Sikkim and this empowerment, seemed really happy and relaxing.

111030 Gangtok 183111030 Gangtok 185
111030 Gangtok 179111030 Gangtok 182


Since there were so many participants, it took Rinpoche a long time to give everyone individual blessings. It was said that even more people – over 30K – came to H.H.’s Tsewang two days later.



111030 Gangtok 204
H.E. Thartse Khen Rinpoche and Shabdrung Rinchen Paljor Rinpoche also joined us on the rooftop to watch the rainbow which lasted for quite a while. What a wonderful day 🙂

2011/10 薩迦法王錫金金剛瑜伽母灌頂教學圖集 H.H. Sakya Trizin Bestowing Vajrayogini Initiation And Teachings in Sikkim

111030 Gangtok 075這是教學圓滿那天,祿頂堪千仁波切向法王獻上身口意曼達。



His Eminence Luding Khenchen Rinpoche offering thanksgiving mandala to His Holiness the Sakya Trizin upon the completion of H.H.’s teachings at Ngor Gompa (Sa-Ngor-Chotshog Center), Sikkim, October 30, 2011

Very touching and heart-melting to see that His Holiness extended his hands several times, wanting to receive the mandala and spare His Eminence from holding it, while His Eminence insisting standing with mandala on hands throughout the prayer:-) (Khenchen Rinpoche was going to celebrate his 81th birthday in a week. )


H.H. Sakya Trizin bestowing Chakrasamvara initiation, Vajrayogini blessings and teachings
111025 Vajrayogini teachings 025
111020 Cakrasambhava Initiation by HH Sakya Trizin 082111025 Vajrayogini teachings 046111025 Vajrayogini teachings 018

法王子大寶金剛仁波切與薩迦法王 H.E.  Dungse Ratna Vajra Rinpoche and H.H.
111025 Vajrayogini teachings 016111025 Vajrayogini teachings 055111028 Gangtok 027

法王子無著金剛仁波切與薩迦法王,勝樂金剛灌頂日, 2011年10月20日
H.E. Dungse Asanga Vajra Rinpoche and H.H. Sakya Trizin during the Chakrasamvara initiation, October 20th, 2011
111020 Cakrasambhava Initiation by HH Sakya Trizin 045111020 Cakrasambhava Initiation by HH Sakya Trizin 062111025 Vajrayogini teachings 026

111025 Vajrayogini teachings 044111025 Vajrayogini teachings 051111025 Vajrayogini teachings 079111025 Vajrayogini teachings 094

111026 Sikkim Vajrayogini teachings 021111028 Gangtok 062
Left to Right: H.E. Luding Khenchen Rinpoche, Dungse Ratna Vajra Rinpoche, Thartse Khen Rinpoche, Dungse Asanga Vajra Rinpoche; Dagmo Kushog Kalden and Gyalyum Chenmo

H.E. Luding Khenchen Rinpoche bestowing revision teachings and leading group practices in the afternoon
111025 Vajrayogini teachings 105111026 Sikkim Vajrayogini teachings 039111025 Vajrayogini teachings 122
111025 Vajrayogini teachings 128
111025 Vajrayogini teachings 129 b111025 Vajrayogini teachings 112111025 Vajrayogini teachings 131
堪千仁波切複講時,  大寶金剛仁波切示範如何獻曼達
H.E. Ratna Vajra Rinpoche demonstrating mandala offering during Khenchen Rinpoche’s revision

H.E. Ratna Vajra Rinpoche bestowing revision teachings and leading practice sessions to foreigners in English
111028 Gangtok 044111025 Vajrayogini teachings 133111028 Gangtok 045111029 Gangtok 042

Khenpo of the Sikkim Sa-Ngor-Chotshog Center and Luding Khenchen Rinpoche111029 Gangtok 018

Many devotees offering mandalas to H.H. upon the completion of the 10-day precious teachings, Sikkim, October 30, 2011
111030 Gangtok 038111030 Gangtok 096
塔澤堪仁波切與法王 H.E. Thartse Khen Rinpoche and H.H Sakya Trizin

111030 Gangtok 075111030 Gangtok 076111030 Gangtok 088b
H.E. Luding Khenchen Rinpoche and H.H Sakya Trizin, Sikkim Sa-Ngor Monastery, October 30th, 2011