古琴、梵唄與茶寵 Guqin, Chanting and Tea Pet



It was a beautiful day. We went to visit our Guqin teacher to say Happy New Year. As always, a great pleasure to see the teacher. Though I heard that he was not well because of teaching too many students at the age of over 70, but he appeared quite alright. We drank tea, chatted a bit and then he even cooked some spring rolls for us as snacks. Of course, the best part is to hear him playing.

Just imagine I can hear this in person…what a blessing…http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/i2kHt04Q6Q0/  )




Then we went to have massage while playing a DVD of a concert that I missed while being in Nepal. It was a duet of Choying Dolma and another Guqin master, Mr. Cheng Gong Liang. Such an amazing performance! Massage for the body; this music for the mind!
( Skip the introduction. The solo chanting starts at 03’30’’, following by Guqin solo, and then the duet)








I was exclaiming what a day! Just in the morning, another friend came for a visit with her kid. They were asking what are those funny things on my tea tray and I explained those are my tea pets (made of pottery clay, the texture can grow smooth and develop shimmer and tea fragrance when nourished with tea). The kid actually asked whether the mini Guqin QiuLai is really a tea pet, and now in the evening, finally, for the first time, I heard Mr. Cheng playing QiuLai (the name of one Guqin instrument dated back to the Tang dynasty. These precious Guqins usually have their own individual names).

Immediately my friend rolled her eyes. “That miniature Qiulai (limited edition, of course) was not made as a tea pet. The pottery master made it as a paper weight…”

Oops, I honestly can not recall anyone telling me it should be a paper weight when receiving this gift. Anyway, I am not doing big calligraphy or painting nowadays so will keep my mini Qiulai as tea pet for the time being.


我的三隻茶寵 My 3 tea pets:

1. 第一隻是恬然自得的水牛,已經養的金沙閃閃了 / a buffalo, the oldest pet which already grew beautifully shimmering as if some gold sands spilt over it

2. 第二隻就是小“秋籟”,是成老師上面那張琴的縮小版 🙂  去年收到的禮物,現在聽過“秋籟”的聲音後,更愛這小秋籟了。
The mini Qiulai, crafted after the Guqin played in the video above

3. 第三尊是今年新請的小佛頭。逛茶城時,看著面相好,就請回來。原先略微忐忑,擔心放在茶盤上澆茶,是否有些不敬。澆的時候突然聯想到在黃梅五祖寺看方丈帶信眾做一個浴佛法會,於是現在喜滋滋的,每次泡茶前,都先恭敬“浴佛”一番,方再品茶。一切皆可轉為修行。

The 3rd one is new, just got it before the Chinese New Year at the wholesale tea market. A beautifully made Buddha head. At first I was wondering whether it might be disrespectful, but when I poured tea over this Buddha, it reminded me of a Buddha-bathing ritual I saw at the monastery of the 5th Zen Patriarch. Now whenever I make tea, I will “bath the Buddha” respectfully and joyfully, then taste my tea. Indeed you can turn every act into practice.

關於 bella.chao
a simple wandering being on less beaten tracks in samsara
